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“He’s Your Dog, Charlie Brown” Record

Vintage Charlie Brown Records Presents “He’s Your Dog Charlie Brown” – $99.99. Find it on eBay (affiliate link).

The seller’s description of this item is exactly why its not worth the asking price. Not being able to find a way of playing these records is very telling. Most people don’t have a record player anymore to enjoy these nostalgic discs. This doesn’t make them non-collectible though as some people will seek them out. The Peanuts specials were available in a variety of audio formats and some came with storybooks. Cassette tapes and the two sizes of vinyl records were available. The records are easier to find since they slip into the book and stay together. Mint condition will be tricky to find, but not impossible, especially in the larger format. From my own experience, I was often playing with my little records on my Minnie Mouse record player, but I had to wait for dad to put on my Alvin and the Chipmunks large record. Therefore, the larger record tended to stay out of my destructive hands. Pass on any that show the effects of time and handling by kids.

How much is a “He’s Your Dog, Charlie Brown” Record worth?

Expect to pay around $10-20 for a Peanuts storybook record in very good to mint condition that’s complete. Popular titles may be worth more, like A Charlie Brown Christmas.

More Peanuts Storybook records to Explore!

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A note on prices

When reviewing these articles, be sure to note the date. Market prices fluctuate with availability and interest in a subject. Putting a value on items can be nuanced and comes from the perspective of buying to enjoy in a collection. I also tend to be conservative with valuations to account for the ups and downs in market values. 

Peanuts Finds from eBay

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