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Snoopy Treats Mug by Anchor Hocking

Vtg Anchor Hocking Fire King Schulz 1958 Snoopy Dream Treats Coffee Mug Rare – $158. Find it on eBay (affiliate link).

Japan loves Fire-king mugs. Their collecting mania inflates the prices of all Anchor Hocking and Fire-king mugs over the years. Many sellers are trying to capitalize on this market by presenting their products as much more exclusive than they are. The Snoopy treats mug was released in the late 1970’s, early 1980’s by Anchor Hocking and is pretty easy to find online. A matching bowl features this same design with ice cream cones, lollipops, oranges and popsicles.

How much is a Snoopy Treats Mug by Anchor Hocking worth?

If you’re looking to find these Snoopy Treats Mugs for your collection, I suggest staying away from online auctions and going to rummage sales and thrift stores. Personally, I can’t see spending over $30 for any mug, unless it’s truly a rarity. If you do go online to buy, make sure to get a bargain on a mint to very good condition mug. If the market for these Peanuts mugs dies, you won’t be able to make back the money if you over-spent when the market was high. Any fading, cracking or chipping on one of these hard-wearing milk glass mugs means it’s not worth it at full-price. There are still reasonably priced Anchor Hocking mugs if you look hard enough!

More Peanuts Mugs to Explore!

Shop out our online store for related Peanuts Mugs and help support this site. Plus, discover more Peanuts Mugs in our online collection gallery. Finally, unravel the mystery of the 1958 Snoopy.

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A note on prices

When reviewing these articles, be sure to note the date. Market prices fluctuate with availability and interest in a subject. Putting a value on items can be nuanced and comes from the perspective of buying to enjoy in a collection. I also tend to be conservative with valuations to account for the ups and downs in market values. 

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