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Snoopy Miniature Christmas Ornaments by Adler


I see this a lot with sellers on eBay. They don’t have any information on an item so they probably don’t know how to get a baseline price on an item. These are particularly difficult since smaller items mean they don’t have information on them. Added to that is that they look glass or metal but feel more ceramic, so it’s hard to know where to start. This is where CollectPeanuts.com can be a great resource for those interested in learning more about a piece. The beauty of eBay is you can auction items off and let the market decide the price.

How much are Snoopy Miniature Christmas Ornaments by Adler worth?

This set of four Snoopy Christmas Ornaments was made by Kurt S. Adler in the late 1990’s. I don’t know what they’re made of either. My best guess is thick glass. They’re sorta weird in that they’re a bit too big for mini Christmas trees, but too small for regular Christmas trees. These ornaments were available in two sets – one set of four Snoopy ornaments, and another set of 12 ornaments with Charlie Brown, Lucy and Woodstock. Mint in the original box, I would expect to pay $7-12 for the set of four Snoopy ornaments.

More Peanuts Adler Glass Ornaments to Explore!

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A note on prices

When reviewing these articles, be sure to note the date. Market prices fluctuate with availability and interest in a subject. Putting a value on items can be nuanced and comes from the perspective of buying to enjoy in a collection. I also tend to be conservative with valuations to account for the ups and downs in market values. 

Peanuts Finds from eBay

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