Joe Cool Plush Snoopy Dolls

So cool they’re hot! Snoopy’s dressed for the summer heat in these vintage Snoopy plushes. If you can’t resist the heat, find out where I found the Joe Cool Plush Snoopy Dolls on the full Patreon post.

What I Love – If you picked color, then you’d be right. I think the busy background takes a bit away from these hot pink and florescent yellow tops. Back when I was about 10 years old, the first thing I learned to sew on was a pair of hot pink shorts. Mom let me pick whatever I wanted, and hot pink was the bomb! Florescent colors have made a small come back with the resurgence of 1980’s style.

I love that the seller didn’t represent these as being from the 1950’s! Made by Applause, these definitely hail from late 1980’s or early 1990’s. While the hot pink Snoopy isn’t in perfect condition, he is still a cute doll that the seller gave a little TLC to. I love that Yellow Snoopy still has his tag also.

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