Bilingual Snoopy Come Home Game

Learn some French, plus have some fun with Snoopy and Woodstock! It’s Jeu de Snoopy, Reviens à la Maison or Snoopy Come Home Game. If you can’t wait to play, you can find out where I found the Bilingual Snoopy Come Home Game on the full Patreon post.

What I Love – All these years, I never knew this game was available in this bilingual edition. You’ll only find this rarity in Canada, I assume. Both copies I found are from there. I love finding new twists on old favorites.

Made in 1973 by Milton Bradley, this game sadly was produced too early for my childhood. Perhaps I could have learned French at an earlier time in my life and known how to tell people to “Move yourself or an opponent” or “Lose a turn” in French. That would have hilarious consequences in certain situations, no doubt. Especially since “move yourself” has been translated to “advance your pawn.”

What’s also nice about this version of the Snoopy Come Home Game is the playing pieces look just like the regular version. If there’s something missing or in bad shape, just find an incomplete regular version and combine! Never pass up a chance to buy an inexpensive board game!

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