Snoopy Rag Doll by Ideal

A classic Snoopy toy that looks as perfect as the day it was put on a shelf! Find out where I found this Snoopy Rag Doll by Ideal on the full Patreon post.

What I Love – The classics. If you’re looking for great collectibles that will hold their value, or even go up in value, a Snoopy rag doll is a good choice. This Snoopy is a little “off model” but still cute and kitschy in his own way. Toys of this age are really taking off in the secondary market. Hungerfords, Pocket Dolls, Pillow Dolls and the larger Ideal Rag Dolls from the 1980’s are all big winners.

While this Snoopy is plentiful, finding him in the original package can be trickier and definitely sets him apart. When he isn’t in the package, he generally looks a little used and aged. Also, make sure you always buy him with his shirt and pants. Finding replacements can be tricky. He always looks a little odd not fully dressed.

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