Latch Hook Snoopy Rug

Now, when I say rug, I don’t really mean walk all over this beautifully made latch hook Snoopy rug. We’re collectors! Hang it on the wall and keep it nice. Find out where I found it on the full Patreon post.

What I Love – As a collector, this latch hook Snoopy rug is technically out of the package and used. Most collectors want their stuff original. However, with crafts, I sometimes find I want it both ways. It’s meant to be enjoyed as a completed project, not as rolls of chopped up yarn in a box. Not that I’ll ever make the vintage rugs in my collection. This particular rug isn’t so vintage, being made by JP Coats in 2000 for the 50th Peanuts anniversary.

Latch hook Snoopy rug add a little something different to a Snoopy room. It’s a texture you’re not going to find most collectibles. It’s three dimensional, yet still two dimensional. It yearns for you to touch it and experience the soft threads of yarn.

As for latch hook Snoopy rugs, this one’s a treat! You’ve got a great image of Snoopy dancing, that’s always a great start. Then we move on to the design. Look at that lovely gradation in the sky, the soft outline of the trees in the distance, the white picket fence in a field of grass dotted with a hint of yellow flowers. This took some skill and patience to put together, both for the original designer of the product and the crafter. Best of all, it’s actually finished. A finished craft project is a big accomplishment!

Explore more Peanuts Latch Hook kits in our online collection.

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