Fake Nostalgia – Snoopy Signs

Since I found my first Snoopy enamel sign, I’ve seen this trend escalate. The first sign was a Snoopy Flying Ace Smith-O-Lene sign. It kicked me down an internet rabbit hole long into the night looking for a connection between these two brands. I finally found my self on the other end a wiser, but unhappy bunny. These signs are made to deceive. These signs are made to tug at the nostalgic heartstrings of the unwary public.

If you’ve ever watched the TV show American Pickers, you’ll know the value of old enamel signs. These two antique dealers will drill into your mind just what you want to find when buying old signs. What they can’t show you is the pile of crap being dumped on the internet marketplaces and touted as the real deal. For that, you only have me.

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