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We’re getting Married, Charlie Brown!

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We went up the mountain boyfriend and girlfriend, and came down fiances. The mountain was Pike’s Peak. The day was last week Tuesday (July 17). After five years of dating, Allen popped the question on our Colorado getaway. I said Yes! through my over-emotional giggling. The answers to many of your questions are…. “I don’t know.” Exciting events are in the works including planning a wedding, getting a new job, and moving to the Madison, Wisconsin, area. It’s a lot to do.

What this means for the future of CollectPeanuts.com… I have no plans to stop, but as you can imagine, I may have less time in the near future to concentrate on my hobby. Hopefully after everything settles into place, my plans can re-commence with more vigor than ever. Right now, the Snoopy Room remodel is going to be reduced to just getting the shelves complete and filled. I have lots of other projects that need my focus to sell my house.

What you can do to help! I’d love to turn CollectPeanuts.com into a full time job. If an eighth of my Facebook followers gave just a dollar a month through Patreon, I could justify doing this full-time. More videos, more articles, more whatever people want to support me to create! I’d be everyone’s dedicated Snoopy Enthusiast with the time and tools to make things happen! I’d love to explore crafting Peanuts goodies and creating a better, searchable database of all the collectibles. Encourage your Snoopy-loving buddies to give us a try. If you have suggestions on how to take this to the next level, send me, Caren, an email at info@collectpeanuts.com! Plus, if you subscribe through Patreon, you’ll get the inside scoop on how things are going with the big changes.

Peanuts Finds from eBay

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