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Antique Mall Shopping Tips & Tricks

The antique mall is a wonderful world of random old junk and treasures. You never know quite what Peanuts treasures you’ll find. If you’re not finding what you’re looking for, there are plenty of other booths to look through.

Peanuts books tend to be kept with the children's story books.

Plan Ahead


Start planning using online tools to search the area you’re visiting. Save your destinations on an online map so you can plan your day out. Plus, make note of the hours of antique places so you can make sure you’re arriving when they are open. Also look for local thrift shops and consignment stores that might have Peanuts treasures. Finally, don’t forget lunch!

There’s a Snoopy Chex Bank at every antique mall.


Pack up your favorite Peanuts Collector price guide in the car, just in case you need it!


Unload all the non-essentials. You’d hate to buy something big and not have room for it! Plus, if you collect fragile items, you might want extra packaging materials to keep your Peanuts collectibles safe on their journey home.


If money is tight, be sure to set a maximum amount you want to spend on the day. This will help you make wise decisions when you find that one booth overflowing with Snoopy goodness.

Keep Up Your Energy!


Eat a good breakfast. Stop for lunch. Indulge in a snack. You’ll be burning lots of calories in the search for Snoopy, so keep your energy up!


Carrying a heavy purse, bag, or backpack can put a strain on your body. Take a light purse or leave non-essentials in the car.


Antique malls are full of narrow passages, brimming shelves and high price tags. Leave jackets, loose sweaters and anything that might cause accidents in the car. Plus, you never know when you might have to kneel down on the floor, so wear something you can easily move in.
A full shelf of Peanuts!


On your feet all day? You’re gonna need some really comfy shoes! Flats, no heels.


While you’re winding around an antique Mall, be sure to pass the front desk and ask if they can hold your treasures while you continue shopping. Hands free is the way to be!

Make the Most of your Day

The more, the merrier. Look for themes to help you find the good stuff.


Pace yourself for the amount of time you have to spend shopping. If you go to a multi-building antique mall, the last building you visit will always be chock full of Snoopy stuff. Don’t leave yourself with just 15 minutes to speed walk through the aisles.


The mall is a big place and memories are easily forgotten with the immense amount of stuff around. Take photos with your phone and review them at the end to make sure you haven’t forgotten to pick something up.


What key did you need? Where was that Snoopy figurine? Jot down the important stuff on a notepad to keep things moving right along when it comes to picking up your favorites.


Look up high! Look down low! Open that cupboard drawer. Flip through that box. Sometimes we focus too much on what’s right in our mainline of vision. I know I do. Stand back, take a moment to just scan around the area. If you have the time, flip through stacks and bins. You never know what treasures you might come across. Usually nothing, but that one time you do will make you a believer.
Keep a sharp lookout for Snoopy!


Sometimes you can make a connection with a dealer, or just leave behind a card on a bulletin board. Be prepared with some business cards with what you’re looking for.

What to watch out for


Narrow aisles. Stuff on the floor. Precariously placed items. There are many things to watch out for when navigating an antique store. Minimize the amount of things you need to carry and keep track of so you can concentrate on looking for Peanuts and looking where you’re going. You’d rather spend your money on Peanuts items, not accidents.


Narrow aisles. Stuff on the floor. Precariously placed items. There are many things to watch out for when navigating an antique store. Minimize the amount of things you need to carry and keep track of so you can concentrate on looking for Peanuts and looking where you’re going. You’d rather spend your money on Peanuts items, not accidents.
Paired up Snoopys.


Walk softly, don’t run. I’ve been in so many antique stores where walking at a quick pace makes everything shimmy and shake. The squishy floors where you feel like you might go right through. Narrow staircases, dank basements, walk-in safes are all fair game when going antiquing.


Is it raining? Does the roof leak? Watch out for buckets, and shy away from anything that has water damage.


Old buildings full of old stuff can sometimes be a wee bit musty. It comes with the territory. If Snoopy lingers with the smell of adventure, put him in an air-tight container with some dryer sheets to neutralize the odor.


You’re going to come across some pretty weird things while antiquing. Be prepared for all sorts of oddities, good and bad.


I don’t remember ever being too cold at an antique mall. However, stuffy heat in an old building’s attic is par for the course, even when it isn’t summer. I told you to leave your jacket in the car!


In old buildings, there can be weird twists and turns to find all the goodies. In new buildings, you can get lost in a sea of sameness. Make note of landmarks while you’re shopping for an easy exit or returning to a showcase. Try to follow an orderly path so you don’t accidentally miss a row. Detour for a sudden Snoopy spotting excepted.
Taking good photos not only helps you on the day, but maybe someday when you return!


There’s so many goodies in antique malls, how can you not get distracted! Enjoy the sights, sounds and feels when you can, but be sure to focus on what’s important if you’re strapped for time or cash.


The Peanuts gang won’t be the only characters you meet. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s weird, sometimes it’s a cat that loves to have its tail pulled. You never quite know who you’ll meet.

Be a Great Shopper!

You’re always a polite and courteous shopper! Here are a couple reminders to help you stay your best. Put things back where you found them! If you don’t remember exactly, take it to the front desk and they’ll know right where it goes. When possible, try not to crowd other people and let them know if you’re behind them. Treat the mall’s staff with respect, because you never know when they may be able to go out of their way to get you a better deal. If you break something, let the staff know. Being a great customer or a bad customer means the staff will remember you the next time you search for treasures at their store. Leave them remembering you fondly and build a relationship that might get you more treasures in the long run.

Have your own tips for Antique malls? Send me an email at info@collectpeanuts.com.

Join me on trips through antique malls and opening boxes of vintage Peanuts treasures on our Youtube channel.

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