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Mad for Peanuts

My obsession with the Peanuts Gang has crossed over into someone else’s obsession with Mad Magazine. Somehow, the tides of the internet washed this site up onto Google beach one day while surfing. As a young kid, the Alfred E. Neuman appearance of July 5, 1973 was one of the cultural references that I just didn’t get. Years later, it’s easy to understand why Schulz decided to turn the tables for one day after the countless numbers of cameos the Peanuts Gang made in Mad Magazine. Visit Madcoversite.com to see a listing and photos.

Peanuts Finds from eBay

Uncover Vintage Peanuts treasures at eBay and help support CollectPeanuts.com. We may earn a small commission when you purchase through our affiliate links. Thank you! Learn more...

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