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Making a Snoopy Dog Bed for Free

What am I supposed to do with this pile of bedding that’s damage beyond normal bedding use, but is still partially fine? We’re turning it into a Snoopy dog bed for Molly, our dog. Plus, I have a torn-up dog bed Molly destuffed, old pillows, and some reclaimed felt material that was just going to be thrown away. Put it all together and we’ve got a giant Snoopy dog bed that everyone can enjoy! Best of all, I didn’t have to buy anything for this project so it was free.

If you need more Molly in your life, every week she’s featured on Patreon.

The Basic Instructions

Create some circles the size of a dog. Sew circles together. Add a big long strip around the edge of your circle, adding in a triangle tail along the way. Create some paws and stuff with whatever you got. Cut out two extra wide half-circles so they overlap in the middle. Sew the half-circles and paws to the bottom part of the long strip. Create a Snoopy head with two Snoopy profiles with a long strip in the middle. Attach some facial features and ears before stuffing, then attach nose. Hand sew head in place along the long strip. Insert stuffing materials to fill in bed via the over-lapping slit between the half-circles. Reveal to dog. Add treats and toys as necessary.

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