Snoopy and Woodstock Plush Dolls

Snoopy and Woodstock are always there to brighten up our days and put a smile on our faces! Bring them home to your collection with our selection of vintage Snoopy and Woodstock plush dolls! These dolls are more than just items to add to your collection; they’re symbols of a simpler time and a reminder of the joys of childhood. From big to small, from old to new, our shop has a variety of Peanuts plushes for you to enjoy with your family and friends. Choose from plushes from Ty, Applause, Determined Productions, Irwin and more. Featured is the 1984 Boy George Snoopy doll. Shop Peanuts Plush Dolls…

Have a favorite? Snoopy’s the beagle of a thousand faces. Pick your favorites from our online store. Shop Snoopy Personalities…

Peanuts Finds from eBay

Uncover Vintage Peanuts treasures at eBay and help support We may earn a small commission when you purchase through our affiliate links. Thank you! Learn more…

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