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Listen to Lucy

Lucy may have a big mouth, but she has important things to say! She’s smart, she’s sassy and she’s not afraid to tell you what’s on her mind. As their older sister, Lucy often shares her words of wisdom and fussbudget outbursts on Linus and Rerun. Charlie Brown relies on Lucy to give him a real-world perspective on life at her doctor’s booth. Lucy chases after Schroeder, constantly trying to turn his romantic affections towards her. Though Snoopy’s carefree attitude and dog kisses annoy her, Lucy often turns to him for comfort. Lucy shows her playful side when she pulling the football away from Charlie Brown and playing for his baseball team. Shop for Lucy memorabilia…

All your friends are characters! Find your favorite Peanuts characters from Linus and Charlie Brown, to Franklin and Frieda, in our Peanuts Character Shop…

Peanuts Finds from eBay

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