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Snoopy Sunglasses

Vintage Snoopy Peanuts Sunglasses Pink MoC 1980s – $40. Find it on eBay (affiliate link).

Need an extra special 1980’s vibe for your throwback outfit? Save your allowance! These kid-sized Snoopy sunglasses might not fit. Cheap sunglasses made for kids are not the most collectible Peanuts item, especially at this price.

I love the retro look of these pink-framed Snoopy sunglasses. The packaging is in decent condition with great color. The pink color is harder to find, with red and blue being much easier to obtain. Yellow frames are the hardest to get. There were a few designs available, including Snoopy walking or dancing on the sides of the frames. The sunglasses were made for a number of years by Pan Oceanic Eyewear and the packaging evolved over time. This particular pair is probably from the late 1980’s. Earlier packaging did not have the ANSI UV requirement listed on the front of the package like this one does.

How much are Snoopy Sunglasses worth?

As a Peanuts collector, I’d expect to pay around $5-15 for a pair in the original packaging, depending on rarity and condition. They’re not easy to display and they’re not highly desirable. A loose pair of Snoopy sunglasses are fun to display on a larger Snoopy plush. However, as a collector, I’d never have the heart to take one out of the package just to display it. If someone loves the retro look or has a fondness for them from their childhood, perhaps they’d pay more. How much is nostalgia and fashion worth?

More Snoopy Sunglasses to Explore!

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peanuts find of the week

If you enjoy our Snoopy Sanity Checks, you’ll love our Peanuts Find of the Week! It’s a fantastic Peanuts treasure at a reasonable asking price. You’ll learn why I’m so enthusiastic about my find. Plus, you might want to buy it for your collection. Sample our finds on CollectPeanuts.com…

A note on prices

When reviewing these articles, be sure to note the date. Market prices fluctuate with availability and interest in a subject. Putting a value on items can be nuanced and comes from the perspective of buying to enjoy in a collection. I also tend to be conservative with valuations to account for the ups and downs in market values. 

Peanuts Finds from eBay

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