Dental Appointment Cards

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Make your smile a perfect 10

Make your smile a perfect 10

Just a note from your dentist

Just a note from your dentist



My dentist's handpiece is heat sterilized

My dentist’s handpiece is heat sterilized

Three things to remember this season

Three things to remember this season

Hooray it's your Day

Hooray it’s your Day

Dentists are fun

Dentists are fun

Did you ever get a hole in one?

Did you ever get a hole in one?

Counting the days

Counting the days

It's about time we got together

It’s about time we got together

Bring your smile up to par

Bring your smile up to par

Keep that smile

Keep that smile

Come back soon

Come back soon

Nothing to be alarmed about

Nothing to be alarmed about

Always glad to be of service

Always glad to be of service

Increase your smile's net worth

Increase your smile’s net worth

It's time to drop in for a visit

It’s time to drop in for a visit

We'll add sparkle to your smile

We’ll add sparkle to your smile

Let's get together

Let’s get together

A friendly reminder from your dentist

A friendly reminder from your dentist

You're terrific

You’re terrific

We'd like to see you again

We’d like to see you again

What's that in dog years?

What’s that in dog years?

The only thing missing is u

The only thing missing is u

Today's Subject

Today’s Subject

Checkup Time

Checkup Time

It's high time for a visit

It’s high time for a visit

I think my dentist really likes me

I think my dentist really likes me

A reminder card from my dentist

A reminder card from my dentist

I’d like to speak out

It's time for your appointment

It’s time for your appointment

Go ahead to your dental appointment

Go ahead to your dental appointment

Smiles are in style

Smiles are in style

Flying Ace heading in for a dental checkup

Flying Ace heading in for a dental checkup

I don't want to catch your cavities

I don’t want to catch your cavities

Snoopy and Woodstock 'Dreaming of cookies' Reminder Card

Snoopy and Woodstock ‘Dreaming of cookies’ Reminder Card

Snoopy and Charlie Brown 'fixed up his doghhouse' Reminder Card

Snoopy and Charlie Brown ‘fixed up his doghhouse’ Reminder Card

Snoopy and Woodstock 'afternoon snooze' Reminder Card

Snoopy and Woodstock ‘afternoon snooze’ Reminder Card

Sally and Linus 'her beautiful smile' Reminder Card

Sally and Linus ‘her beautiful smile’ Reminder Card

Sally 'essay questions' Reminder Card

Sally ‘essay questions’ Reminder Card

Snoopy & Charlie Brown 'healthy birthday' Reminder Card

Snoopy & Charlie Brown ‘healthy birthday’ Reminder Card

Snoopy, Linus and Lucy 'teeth cleaned' Reminder Card

Snoopy, Linus and Lucy ‘teeth cleaned’ Reminder Card

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