Jelly Jar Glasses

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Snoopy on Surfboard Jelly Jar Glass

Snoopy on Surfboard
Late 1980s, Kraft

Lucy on Swing Jelly Jar Glass

Lucy on Swing
Late 1980s, Kraft

Charlie Brown with Kite Jelly Jar Glass

Charlie Brown with Kite
Late 1980s, Kraft

Charlie Brown with Kite Jelly Jar Glass

Charlie Brown with Kite
Late 1980s, Kraft

Snoopy and Woodstock Jelly Jar Glass

Snoopy and Woodstock
Floating on Innertube
Late 1980s, Kraft

Peppermint Patty Jelly Jar Glass

Peppermint Patty
Strawberry Apple
Smucker’s Fruit Spread

Charlie Brown Jelly Jar Glass

Charlie Brown
Smucker’s Fruit Spread

Lucy Jelly Jar Glass

Smucker’s Fruit Spread

Snoopy and Woodstock on Doghouse

Snoopy and Woodstock on Doghouse
“Flying Ace and his Mechanic”

Snoopy with Dogdish in his Mouth Jelly Jar Glass

Snoopy with Dogdish in his Mouth
Charlie Brown and Woodstock

Charlie Brown Flying Kite Jelly Jar Glass

Charlie Brown Flying Kite
with Sally

Lucy pulling football Jelly Jar Glass

Lucy pulling football
away from Charlie Brown

Linus and Snoopy Sleeping Jelly Jar Glass

Linus and Snoopy Sleeping
“A Lap for a Nap”

Schroeder & Lucy at Piano Jelly Jar Glass

Schroeder & Lucy at Piano
“Let’s just Play Along”

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