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Snoopy on Doghouse with candle inside Lamp

Snoopy on Doghouse with candle inside
Hallmark, 1984

Snoopy on Doghouse with candle inside Lamp

Snoopy on Doghouse with candle inside
Hallmark, 1984

Snoopy hugging Woodstock Nightlight

Snoopy hugging Woodstock Nightlight
Porcelain, 5.5″H
Willitts, 1988

Snoopy and Woodstock on Doghouse Lamp

Snoopy and Woodstock on Doghouse
surrounded by hearts
globe lamp
Kamco, Late 1970’s

Snoopy standing Lamp

Snoopy standing
wearing red bow tie
Burman Company, 1988

Charlie Brown sitting on baseball Lamp

Charlie Brown sitting on baseball Lamp

Snoopy sitting on hind legs Lamp

Snoopy sitting on hind legs Lamp

Linus sitting holding his blanket Ceramic Lamp

Linus sitting holding his blanket Ceramic Lamp
Willitts Designs, 1989

Snoopy holding dog dish Lamp

Snoopy holding dog dish Lamp

Snoopy sleeping on top of doghouse with Woodstock Lamp

Snoopy sleeping on top of doghouse with Woodstock Lamp

Snoopy and Woodstock with Rainbow Lamp

Snoopy and Woodstock with Rainbow Lamp

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