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Peanuts Treasure Box Survey

I’m taking a hiatus from creating new Peanuts Treasure Box videos. Instead of creating new videos, I’m looking to you, my fellow Peanuts fans, to tell me what you want! Over the past few videos, I’ve noticed a drop in views. I want to make sure I’m spending time creating something you’ll enjoy. Please take my survey or feel free to email me at info@collectpeanuts.com with your feedback. Tell me what you like. Be frank about what you don’t like. Offer your constructive criticism and suggestions to make this video series something you’ll love!

Keep missing the latest video? Be sure to subscribe on Youtube by clicking on the red subscribe button. Catch up on the series in our Peanuts Treasure Box playlist.

If you’re enjoying the videos, please help get the word out! Like and comment on Youtube to give your stamp of approval. Share the videos on your favorite social networks. I really appreciate the support this video series has received so far.

Finally, if you’d like to give back to help keep this video series going, consider supporting CollectPeanuts.com. You’ll be investing in this site and contributing towards site costs. CollectPeanuts.com doesn’t have the annoying ads you see at 99.9% of other websites. Why? They’re ugly. They’re annoying. They distract from what you really want and that’s more Peanuts photos, articles, videos and more to enjoy. If I’m making money here, it’s only because my fellow fans are getting more Peanuts to enjoy. Thank you for your support!

Peanuts Finds from eBay

Uncover Vintage Peanuts treasures at eBay and help support CollectPeanuts.com. We may earn a small commission when you purchase through our affiliate links. Thank you! Learn more...

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